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lenoir breyer

I was particularly honored to be able to interview Stephen Breyer, Honorary Justice of the US Supreme Court, on RCJ's “Fenêtres sur Cours” program on Sunday October 13, 2024. For 28 years, he has brought to the world's most prestigious Court his sense of balance between jurisprudential dynamics and self-restraint.

Justice Breyer has been a friend of mine for over 30 years, and I have observed how illuminating his competing or dissenting opinions are, and above all, how accessible they are to the public, who must imperatively understand the legal decisions rendered in their name. Justice Breyer has already written 10 books, some of which have been prefaced by Robert Badinter. His latest book gives us the keys to interpreting the law, an exercise in which every supreme Court or Constitutional judge engages daily. In this exercise, he contrasts conservatives (originalists) and progressives (intentionalists). Fascinating stuff!

For those who want to listen to the program, click here. https://radiorcj.info/diffusions/stephen-breyer-pour-son-livre-interpreter-la-constitution-americaine-la-lettre-ou-lesprit/

livre constitution


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