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Jean-Paul Gauzès passed away on September 13. His passing leaves us with no words to describe his presence, his warm voice, his inimitable way of telling anecdotes, his immense legal, economic, political and literary culture and, last but not least, his kindness and benevolence.

Jean-Paul Gauzés had a sparkling career, without being in any way a careerist.

He has always made a point of being efficient and up to the tasks entrusted to him or which he won through election: barrister, General Counsel at Dexia, mayor of his beloved commune of Sainte-Agathe-d'Aliermont, in the Seine-Maritime, Elected member of the Regional Council of Haute-Normandie, MEP for ten years, then Chairman of EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group), the all-powerful association which sets financial reporting standards in Europe, notably in the context of the energy transition. In all these roles, he excelled, with both mastery and modesty.

Jean-Paul GauzèsIn 2011, Enrique Baron Crespo, former President of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, and Chairman of the Union of European Federalists, and Jean-Paul Gauzès

His commitment to Europe (he spoke fluent German) and the way he heightened France's prestige as an MEP will remain key features of his legacy. As economic and financial coordinator for the European People's Party, he played an eminent role in advancing monetary Europe and promoting the European economy. His skills and insight enabled him to make particularly sound judgements on the causes and consequences of the systemic banking crisis of 2007, the negative repercussions of which are still weighing on Europe.

His commitment to Europe (he spoke fluent German) and the way he heightened France's prestige as an MEP will remain key features of his legacy. As economic and financial coordinator for the European People's Party, he played an eminent role in advancing monetary Europe and promoting the European economy. His skills and insight enabled him to make particularly sound judgements on the causes and consequences of the systemic banking crisis of 2007, the negative repercussions of which are still weighing on Europe. His legislative influence was considerable and contributed to the end of the crisis.

Jean-Paul GauzèsPeter Westmacott, British Ambassador to France, Noëlle Lenoir, then Daniel Tardy, President of the Fédération du Bâtiment, then Jean-Paul Gauzès

He has been a guest of honor of the Cercle des Européens three times, on February 26, 2010 with Georges Pauget, CEO of Crédit Agricole, on March 31, 2011 with Andréas Schwab, his fellow German MEP and EPP coordinator for the internal market, and on October 28, 2011 with Pervenche Bérès, Chair of the French Socialist Delegation to the European Parliament and former Chair of the Social Affairs and Economic Affairs Committees. The debates were fascinating on both occasions, and each time Jean-Paul Gauzès' predictions came true.

On behalf of the Cercle des Européens, I would like to pay tribute to Jean-Paul Gauzès and express our admiration. I mourn the dear friend whose advice was always invaluable and with whom it loved so much to have conversations. I vividly remember the small ceremony, in the midst of the pandemic, organized with his wife Anne, in all intimacy and simplicity, to award him the insignia of Officier de la Légion d'honneur on behalf of the President of the Republic.

Jean-Paul Gauzès remains a tribute to France and Europe.

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